Actually, now I am out of sync with the time……

….I am going to bed later and getting up later along with the other members of the household.  

In November of late I went along to a Women’s Networking evening and met Jo Bremmer who introduced me to the Lyoness International Cashback and Loyalty Club.

With the intention of doing most of my shopping through this card I would be able to create myself a residual income plus commissions of quite a substantial amount.  Most people that I know well are dreadfully cynical and suspicious of doing anything new and when you see the figure of how slow it is to create something they tell me that it is not worth it.  But I just have this feeling that all things big start from things that are small.  After trying for six years to get people along to networking events of which they find tedious and boring as they are introverts and have no people or networking skills I look at actually what does rock their boat and find that it is “Music”

No word of a lie – in fact in the past six months I have connected up with people from a wide range of life of whom I had never met if it hadn’t been for the fact that I started to attend local live music “Gigs” and met some famous people along the way!  

As we know we can’t be good at everything with the exception of a few people the Musicians are not that good at IT and Social Media is really complicated to them so I agreed to help someone out and have made lots of new connections and I am find it all every educational.  Seems to be quite a small world between the fans of Led Zepplin for example, if you look on their Facebook friends everyone seems to know everyone…

 Then I undertook a session with Stuart Kerslake on Core Process and mine was getting a buzz out of helping creative people which had been my initial intention with my Coaching Course helping Entrepreneurial types get started in business networking.

Going back to Social Media you need to create a type of Momentum around a subject to get others talking and so you need to create a tribe of people supporting and the only way to start that off is to support them,


A type of givers gain, creates energy that draws people in.  



‘If you would go every day to a very large tree and take five swings at it with a very sharp axe, eventually, no matter how large the tree, it would have to come down!!!

Basically, it is the same with Network-Marketing, in this case the FREE DREAM_TRIP you offer people the chance to have a free vacation, all they need to do is register and watch this movie   –  Some people you ask won’t bother as they don’t believe you when you tell them there is no catch.  Some people start watching the movie and when they see what it speaks about they give up half-way through so they then don’t activate the email that states they have watched the movie, so they don’t get in to the draw.  Some people say point blank they don’t want the opportunity.   Some of the people that actually watch the movie, may see and understand the opportunity and know it is for them, these are the people that I will work with.  Well to find these people it is almost like looking for a needle in a Haystack.  It wasn’t until I got involved with this business that I began to see how many negative and unmotivated people there were around, my own friends and relatives included!

Well, it is a numbers game to find those few people you need to ask just about everyone you come in contact with.  So basically, you are back to this trust element – would people you have never spoken to before actually believe that out of the blue a total stranger would be offering them an opportunity to have a free vacation, no strings attracted!   Sounds wildly unlikely doesn’t it  – though in this case it is true as I am sure that if I persevere with my dream to achieve the living  and a better lifestyle I will find other people who want to have the same.

I was taught a number of years back that the plan in a Christian’s walk was to be blessed so that in turn I would be able to give and bless others.  Recently, someone sneered that it was a bad suggestion to be wealthy, but in fact the aim to be wealthy is to be in the position to give back to the community

. A wise man once said, ‘Effort only releases its reward after a person refuses to quit.’

Today, here and now I do not have a lot of money, I have a small income coming in every week but that is not enough to pay all my bills and move towards my dreams.  However, I keep positive thoughts and continue to strive forward to meet the challenges and believe that the resources will be available to me when I need them.

Life is that journey and only when we are in the right place, opportunities, resources and the people we need to make it happen will be available to us.   With my World Ventures business – it is people and not money that are the resources that I need to build the team and network of people that will give me the residual income.  Due to the Binary plan – and two team legs, I just need 30 people more and I will be a Senior Representative.   Basically, I need six people with the same mindset as me that can then bring six more people into this business team and then we have our 30 people, I may even win BMW.

Vision doesn’t follow resources, it happens the other way around. First we have a dream, then we have to move forward. Then-and only then-do people and resources follow. Then the plan God has given to us begins to fall into place. A wise man once said, ‘Effort only releases its reward after a person refuses to quit.’ People who succeed ‘see’ what others don’t. It’s what keeps them moving forward. ‘It was by faith that Moses left the land of Egypt, not fearing the king’s anger. He kept right on going because he kept his eyes on the one who is invisible.’


Friday –

Securing our Future

Everyday I am working with the main thought and motive in mind to secure my family’s future.

Family –  my daughter Sonia and son Julian.

Sonia has just started 6th form/yr 12 and Julian is in yr 10. They have so many needs and finance is needed to be able to provide enough money so that have a good start in Life.

I am fortunate that both of them are really in to the Social Media, they both have accounts on Facebook with over 800 friends. Using the different SM applications they just find it all so simple as they have grown up with a keyboard in their hand.

Business – I am interested to network with people that have integrity and right standing in the community..

I love to find out what gets other people motivated.   Desire to achieve has to be matched with ability.  This is one of the reasons why I have been keen to encourage my children in what ever they have chosen to do to try and nurture the main core ability within them.  With my son it has been difficult as he never seems to commit to anything for any length of time.  Recently, I have said to him that he shouldn’t commit to things and keep letting other people down, important to see things through to the end, even if then you don’t carry on, do it for the period of time that you have agreed to.

Currently he is doing a BTEC in Sports and really enjoys it, he is also into “Extreme Sports” and has been able to learn to build his own bicycle and now can also help other people.  Then he also likes the scooter and the same, he can find the parts, buy them and build his own scooter.  Takes after me – “A Trader” he creates and then he sells the finished item within his circle of friends and makes a profit with which he buys something better. .

Also, he is very good with Technology and now he has an IPhone4 he has been very helpful to me and also others who have bought one and also the IPad, here can set that up.  At church his job for service is the Lighting Technician – and also learning to understand the sound desk and computer equipment.

Sonia on the other-hand has tried different things that haven’t worked out, so she has had to go on to 6th form/yr 12 to re-study some of her GCSE’s  It was Sonia that let other people spoil it for her – dropped out of school at the end of yr ten.   Home-schooled for a few months and then went to be an Apprentice in the Hospitality Industry.  Didn’t work out…..

Sonia has rather intellectual interests – and in a lot of ways is quite adult for her years.

She loves documentaries  and history, quite the complete opposite to what I am interested in, so it is quite difficult for me to look at that and see ways to motivate.  But now she has expressed an interest to write and I am trying to get her to start to write her own Blog.  She is going to do a course on Movies/Journalism and I am sure she will get started on her Blog at some point soon.

So with everyone the desire must match the ability, being part of a team can help you to take on full sizes responsibility but not sole responsibility.  So motivating/ helping one person achieve will help the overall results of everyone.

You can motivate someone by putting them into the “spotlight” they will then work to uphold their reputation.

Get to know someone to understand what has motivated them in the past and then you can identify what would motivate them for now and in the future.




Age is a number on paper, you really don’t need to look at how old you are and then limit what you can and can’t do or achieve.

When I was young – in my twenties I used to think people in their sixties and seventies were old, but in this day and age where people try and look after themselves, keep fit and keep in the fashion by having their hair coloured and styled certain people never lose their attractiveness.  Beauty being only skin deep but what is in the heart reflects out.

In history we have some great people – for example Picasso who produced some of his greatest art pieces at the age of 90.   In the Bible there was Noah who built the ark when he was 500 years old.

It is important to look around you and see what you can achieve and live every moment and life to the fullest.  It is never too late to learn something new, speak out and encourage others also to live life to their full potential.

With regards to work, if you are like me and try and look at the big picture, that is not just looking at your own needs but also looking at those of other people’s and trying to achieve something that could assist others to get ahead.

We might find that our friends of whom we have known for years have stuck by us, but when we try and move ahead to start new ventures or try something new they don’t want to change their strategy and stop agreeing or offering the support we need.  Networking does give us the umbrella and stepping stone to find like-minded people in which you may have a common interest.   One of the main goals in business is of course to make some money, change your strategy and collaboration with new people may well be the key to get ahead.

In the Bible Proverbs 13.20 says “He who walks with wise men will be wise.”

When you make contact with people and share a concept or idea you have support to get things started and ongoing support and guidance to make it happen.  If you all share the objective and are 100% behind the project you are going to make it happen, then with constant encouragement the project will be achieved.

Today, I am off to Liphook in Hampshire to meet with a couple of my Blackstar colleagues, quite a drive for me but we are going to check out a venue that we intend to use for future events.

We have a project in mind and we know that we come to the table and bring our various strengths and also our weaknesses that we can discuss and get help with.

Monday I managed to write an entry in this blog and also share what happened with my other WordPress Blog on Ecademy  –

I had to follow my own Blog and comment on the comments posted, though sometimes with other people’s blogs I just don’t follow them due to the sheer volume of comments that result in emails to my email.

In order to raise my Klout score I have tried to initiate chat between people I have connected to.  This is working out well with people and so my score has raised a fraction and people are starting to follow me.   I know this is the case as I thanked someone for following me on my Slideshare Account  and then got quite a few other people following.   Actually, Slideshare syncs with Facebook which is handy should you be creating presentations that you want to share with a vast number of people.

I also joined a new network called “CommonRed” which is in Beta, I just connected with Tina Jonasen and the person who has created the network and this morning I have about 12 people on my contacts list and also an invitation to join someone’s Boardroom.   Well it is exciting what happens while you are asleep;-)

I sync this blog to Twitter and LinkedIn so of course it was posted there on my profile. Quite a few people must have read it as I had over 350 invites to connect.  As I write to each and every one it is slow for people to get accepted.  People with silly masks on who haven’t taken the time to create their profile or have a business name and don’t write a note to let me know who they are I ignore and archive.


Update-Five years on….


I originally wrote this blog five years ago, quite a few changes have occurred so just thought it was a good idea to update.

Started of as a Sole Trader/Founder of  Ivey Business Services in 1992, still operating the same. Became know as TheConnector – changed this to TheConnectorInt

Marketing is via Networking –  all about relationships as Rob Peter’s would say #RelationshipCapital. – the art of getting to know people and finding out what they need.  They in turn maybe interested in what you have to offer or maybe interested to give you referrals or advocate you or even better collaborate with you.

Collaboration is great because  different people bring different skills to the table and so forming a team with everyone working towards the same purpose brings outstanding results.

I am delighted to be collaborating with Simon Barry from KiplingandKirbyVentures and also Rob Peters founder & CEO of 

I have always enjoyed Networking events and Simon needed to have a regular monthly meeting as an incubator for start-ups.

We have decided to hold this in the Southwark area of London as our 1st meeting of this autumn is on 7th September 2016.  Please register your commitment to attend here 

Rob Peter’s wrote this really useful article called ” 10 Benefits of The Digital Start-Up Incubator Today”

I post information about the products and services that I represent on the following Facebook Pages.

Social Media Tutorials – Stella Holman, Personal IT Coach.

Information about the VIP Travel club and #Dreamtrips on  The Connector, working with a “Vision, plan and purpose to make a difference.

Ivey Business Services,

Digital Marketing for Creative People 


Organo Gold Team-Kusadasi

Weekly, I am still active on Empire Avenue on – it is now called Empire.Kred Over five years i have used this platform to make lots of new contacts, some of which have become really good online friends.  Remarkably a good platform to assist others build their brand online.

My Klout scoring fluctuates as it doesn’t let you have a day off!!

Five years ago i was running two blogs this one and also Stella Holman’s Blog ) and now i also have RecipeToSuccess FriendsOfKusadasi IveyBusinessServices EarnWithStella.